Monday 4 March 2013

More light again

                                                             'And then the sheep came'  in progress 4'x4' canvas

The work, this month, has expanded into exploring images about the Highland Clearances.  This is the first exploratory  piece.  I am considering whether to keep all 16 sheep or reduce the number and have a split canvas.  Each sheep, however,  will be labeled with the name of a Clearance village.

So far I am exploring images about Culloden, Covenanaters and Clearances.  All major Scottish historical events and which I imagine are deeply felt within the Scottish psyche. 

I am mindful that this work is translated into painted images that have to be cohesive and stylistically compatible.  Working in oil paint gives the work the substantaillity that the content deserves and this is, for me , very important.

However, I am aware that the oilrigs images are contemporary, industrial and link to economic and political controversy.  As well as environmental concerns. How to translate and present these I think will be quite different from the images with historical content.

The dynamics of how this body of work is progressing is fascinating and continues to illuminate my practise.
I am feeling very strengthened by the momentum it has generated.