Thursday 4 April 2013

Snowy April

                                                                           Blue Reindeer 4'x4' oil on canvas, tartan bags

This piece is still in progress. 

The Blue Reindeer represent 10 of the highest mountains in Scotland. The tartan bags will have tags of the names and height of these mountains. 

Inside the bags will be short extracts from 'The Living Mountain' by Nan Shepherd -  Canongate Press.  "Shepherd spent a lifetime in search of the 'essential nature' of the Cairngorms; her quest led her to write this classic meditation on the magnificence of mountains, and on our imaginative relationship with the wild world around us."  Introduction by Robert Macfarlane.    The material has been sponsored by Lochcarron Tartan.

The profound stories of landscape are incredibly rich and add a context to this body of work.